Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coming back.

These were when I was sick and isolated for a week, but also from when I was completely surrounded by my friends when I came back to Memphis last weekend. I haven't had a consistent role of film in a good while.


Megan said...

did our pics not turn out?

Elaine C Miller said...

they never came in before i left. i asked them to call when they did come in and my mom hasn't said anything about them so i guess they are still far away :-(

Megan said...

lol.. well i'll go get them if they are there when i get home.

Elaine C Miller said...

haha yeah. so how is everything? over in jacksonville i mean..

Anonymous said...

good. now that i know i'll be home soon its all better. only stressful thing is studying.

Elaine C Miller said...

well i'm glad that everything is good. i miss you and nathan so much already. i wanna come home and see you both at some point. do you know where you'd like to work?

Anonymous said...

eh, anywhere where i can keep my nose &lip in. lol. i'll probably apply anywhere &everywhere.
